Advanced WordPress Customization with PHP Code Snippets

rasyiqi By rasyiqi
20 Min Read

jfid – Welcome to an in-depth tutorial on how to enhance your WordPress site’s backend functionality using PHP.

In this guide, we’ll dive into several code snippets that can help streamline your WordPress admin experience, automate tasks, and manage resources more efficiently.


Managing a WordPress site can become cumbersome if the dashboard is cluttered or if the site’s resources are not well-managed. By using custom PHP code snippets, we can:

  • Remove unnecessary dashboard widgets.
  • Hide the WordPress logo and certain admin features.
  • Add custom widgets to the dashboard.
  • Manage images and attachments efficiently.
  • Clean up unused tags and optimize tag management.
  • Allow contributors to upload files.
  • Redirect attachment pages to their parent posts.
  • Remove duplicate images and unused images.

Let’s break down each section of the code and see how it enhances your WordPress site.

1. Remove Unnecessary Dashboard Widgets

Cleaning up the dashboard helps keep the admin area uncluttered and easier to navigate.


  • Hooks into wp_dashboard_setup to customize the dashboard setup process.
  • Defines widgets to remove using remove_meta_box for a cleaner admin interface.

2. Hide Screen Options and Help Tab

These tabs can be hidden to streamline the interface for users who don’t need them.


  • Uses admin_head to inject custom CSS that hides the screen options and help tab.

3. Remove WordPress Logo from Admin Bar

Removing the WordPress logo can provide a more white-labeled experience.


  • Hooks into admin_bar_menu to remove the WordPress logo from the admin bar.

4. Enqueue Custom Scripts and Styles

To enhance the dashboard with custom scripts and styles, you can enqueue external resources.


  • Enqueues external JavaScript libraries like Chart.js, Flatpickr, and Select2 to enhance the admin dashboard functionalities with charts and date pickers.

5. Register and Display a Custom Dashboard Widget

Add a custom widget to the dashboard to display specific information, such as post statistics.


  • Registers a new dashboard widget using wp_add_dashboard_widget.
  • Displays a widget with a date range picker and author selection to show post statistics using Chart.js.
  • Utilizes AJAX to fetch data dynamically and update the chart based on selected criteria.

6. Handle AJAX Requests for Custom Widget

Processes AJAX requests to fetch and display post data for the custom dashboard widget.


  • Handles AJAX requests with the action wp_ajax_get_posts_data.
  • Fetches post data based on the selected date range and authors, using caching to improve performance.
  • Returns data in JSON format to update the chart dynamically.

7. Delete Images When a Post is Permanently Deleted

Automate the cleanup of associated images when posts are deleted.


  • Listens to the before_delete_post action to trigger the cleanup process.
  • Deletes images associated with a post if they are not used elsewhere, helping manage storage.

8. Remove Duplicate Images in Different Extensions

Efficiently manage your uploads folder by removing duplicate image files.


  • Deletes JPEG images if a corresponding WebP version exists, freeing up disk space.
  • Utilizes PHP’s RecursiveIteratorIterator and RecursiveDirectoryIterator for efficient file handling.

9. Redirect Attachment Pages to Parent Post

Improve user experience by redirecting attachment pages to their parent posts.


  • Redirects visitors from attachment pages to the parent post or homepage, improving site navigation and SEO.

10. Allow Contributors to Upload Files

Enhance the role of contributors by allowing them to upload files.


  • Grants the capability to upload files to users with the contributor role, allowing them more flexibility in content creation.

11. Clean Up Unused Tags and Manage Spam

Optimize your site’s tags by cleaning up unused ones and managing spam.


  • Provides an admin interface for organizing and cleaning up tags.
  • Uses the Levenshtein distance algorithm to merge similar tags and deletes unused ones to maintain a tidy tag taxonomy.

12. Prevent Tag Spam

Automate the management of tags to prevent spam and clutter.


  • Limits the number of tags and the number of words per tag to prevent tag spam.
  • Automatically sanitizes and cleans up tags during the post-save process.

13. Delete Unused Attached Images

Automate the cleanup of unattached images to save space.


  • Identifies unattached images and updates their status, freeing up server resources.
  • Uses WordPress transients to cache query results and improve performance.

By incorporating these code snippets, you can significantly enhance your WordPress site’s functionality and efficiency.

Customize the dashboard, manage resources more effectively, and provide a better experience for your users and content creators.

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